Thursday 11 March 2010


Today we are trying to finish our rough cut and put it into a quick time, so we can get feedback on how to improve our thriller.

We know that our rough cut is not how we want it to look, we have ideas on how to make the thriller sequence a lot better. The audio on the rough cut doesn't link its because we are sorting the sound out after the rough cut.

It would be nice to make the production logo animated but this depends on time, also to add some sound to the production logo would be good to make it seem more professional.

Today we put the sequence in a order, it may or may not be the final order. We did some editing of colour and changed the flash backs into black and white so it is easy to see that it is a flash back so it doesn't seem too confusing to the viewer. we have a lot to improve on such as credits, blends, audio,

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